1977 Fireman's Strike

Created by Rebecca 7 years ago
During the 1977 Fireman's strike over pay, many fireman and their families were left living on bare minimum, to feed and clothe their families. The strike took place on the Manor Top in Sheffield, ironically, opposite the fire station.
Nearing Christmas time, my mother, went on a fundraising mission to raise funds and collect edible goods for the fireman and their family and extended relatives, who depended on them to provide, so that they could have a decent Christmas with presents for the children.

My mother's efforts helped to ensure that every serving fireman and their family had that decent Christmas and no child went without a present to open on Christmas morning. She even went as far as to provide Turkey's and seasonal veg to the firemen's extended families, who relied on the chief bread-winner, to provide for them - grandmothers, mother-in-laws, aunts and uncles.